It is estimated that Americans eat 300 million sandwiches each day: That is more than one sandwich for every man, women and child in the nation! -

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Help celebrate National Sandwich Day.
 November 3, 2011.

The sandwich with its portable yumminess has long been one of America’s favorite dishes. It’s amazing how you can stick almost anything edible between to slices of bread and have yourself a fine sandwich.

This year let’s not only relish in the bliss of well made sandwich and full stomach, but let us use this day to help feed others.

Recently there is a lot of media attention on those who feed the homeless.  The legal systems want to stop our generosity and aid to those in need. This movement of arresting citizens for feeding another is disgusting. It is pulling us further away from our goals of unity and peace.  How can we be expected to take care of other countries, when we ignore the problem that is at our own door step?

We will not let children go hungry; we will not let those in authoritative powers tell us that we can not lend a hand when it is ours to lend. Our freedom grants us the ability to choose good, to help others and to receive help from others. Let us use this freedom November 3rd, 2011 from coast to coast to feed another in need,

November 3rd, 2011 let’s make history. Make a sandwich, pack two for lunch and give one to someone in need. This could be a coworker without lunch, a homeless child or family, or a struggling youth you may know.

** The Authority may be able to shut down a venue serving lunch to the homeless in a town square or park, however they can not interfere with a generous offer presented by you and an acceptance by another.
That’s all you have to do. Walk up to them, let them know what kind of sandwich it is and offer it to them. If they accept than a perfectly legal transaction has just occurred.